Position Coordinator Application

    First Name (required):
    Last Name (required) :

    State/Providence:     Zip:
    Your Email (required):
    Home Phone :
    Mobile Phone :
    Your Height: ' "
    If selected, name desired to print on Name Tag:

    Which Positions can you ring proficiently and would be comfortable coordinating ?
    Please note positions 8 thru 11 are going to have separate people covering either the 7s or 8s.

    Which Position would you prefer ?

    Second choice : ?

    Third choice : ?

    Fourth choice : ?

    How many years have you participated at Bay View Week of Handbells ?

    Do you have easy access to bells for testing problem passages ?

    Comments or Questions:

    When you press the submit button, A message should appear "Your message was sent successfully. Thanks." Another action will be to send an email back to the email you entered. If you get an error message or do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact Ed Krzes at webmaster@weekofhandbells.com to make sure your form was received by the staff.