Deep Bass Application

    First Name (required):
    Last Name (required) :

    State/Providence:     Zip:
    Your Email (required):
    Home Phone :
    Mobile Phone:
    If selected, name desired to print on Name Tag:

    What is the lowest Aluminum Bell you have rung and feel comfortable playing ?

    Are you comfortable ringing with a non-chromatic setup? YesNo

    Please summarize your ringing history regarding aluminum 1s and 2s at the bronze level :

    Have you rung aluminum 1s & 2s at bronze level events? YesNo

    Are you currently a member of bronze level choir(s)? : YesNo
        Starting Year

        Starting Year

    Please name one or two compositions on which you have rung deep bass bells :

    Please list a handbell director you have rung bass bells under who could be contacted as a reference if needed :

    Other Comments or Questions:

    When you press the submit button, A message should appear "Your message was sent successfully. Thanks." Another action will be to send an email back to the email you entered. If you get an error message or do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact Ed Krzes at to make sure your form was received by the staff.